samedi 31 décembre 2011


Gestern Abend habe ich in einer Bar in Kreuzberg die Europäische Union getroffen. Die Europäische Union trinkt gerne Bier und raucht wie wild. Es ging um Palästina und Israel und Narben aus der Kindheit. Leider musste ich dann irgendwann gehen. Wir konnten nicht mehr über meinen Beitritt zu Europäischen Union verhandeln. Es bleibt fürs Erste bei einer priveligierten Partnerschaft. Prost.

jeudi 1 décembre 2011

On va se revoir sous les tilleuls.

R.I.P. Christa Wolf (18.3.1929 - 1.12.2011)

samedi 19 novembre 2011

création HOPE HOWL Biennale Charleroi Danses 12,13 / 11 / 11

unlock the chains of the doors...

Credits : Christian Lutz
Credits : Christian Lutz
Credits : Christian Lutz

Credits : Timo Kirez

samedi 5 novembre 2011

i saw the best minds of my generation
gentled by betrayal
dragging themselves through the crowded bordellos at dawn
looking for an angry fick

jeudi 3 novembre 2011

The office of S., a sunny afternoon, T. lurches in, in his hands some sheets of paper, S. throws a cup of coffee at him as an address of welcome.

S: Didn't I say yesterday? Didn't I?

T: Forgive me my highness, I was...

S: You were what? Have you been drinking again? She smells his breath It's disgusting! You are disgusting!

T: But milady...

S: Milady my ass! Show me what you've got.

T. hands her over the papers, S. is reading attentively

S: This is, I can't believe it, this is crap! This is total crap! It's drivel! I have never seen such a filth!

T: May I explain, your majesty...

S: Explain? She stabs him with a pen in the hand, T. moans quietly How dare you? Do you have no honor left in you? You useless little Punk!

T: I assure you, my queen, I was...

S: Enough! Enough of this! What a grotesque spectacle. You are insulting my ears, my eyes, my existence. Down with you in the dungeon! Two armed guards appear and drag T. away

T: Have mercy, milady, I beg you, not again...

S: You shall rot down there till you come to your senses again. Till you give me what I want, what I deserve!

T: Can I keep my trousers on this time?

S: No! Unworthy midget.

T. is dragged away, S. lights up a cigarette, a contentedly smile appears on her face.

mardi 4 octobre 2011

10 Uhr morgens. 6 besoffene Arbeitslose in einer schäbigen Souterrainbar ohne Tageslicht. Es läuft Radio Nostalgie. Jeder sagt einen Satz zwischen zwei Schluck billigem Whisky oder Weinbrand. Eine überschminkte 80 jährige Nutte ohne Zähne kommt dazu. Dann ein schwitzender, dicker Polizist. Der Wirt, ein Asthmatiker, serviert Schweineschnitzel. Nach dem die Flaschen ausgetrunken sind, bringen sich alle um. Erscheinen dann wieder als Geister, um ein Interview zu geben. Danach wird die Bar zwangsgeräumt, die Einrichtung wird versteigert. Der Gewinn nach Griechenland überwiesen.

vendredi 30 septembre 2011


(for V.H.)

From nowhere to here is a long journey, he says. From nowhere to here, he says with his mouth full of grapes. Look out, he is hiding a knife behind his eyes. Whispering in an ancient language that was forgotten a long time ago and remembered suddenly on a rainy day in London while sitting in the bus 436 to Peckham next to the dead body of a black woman whose baby still joyfully sucks at her breasts smiling like a shaman in the dark. So what you are up to, he asks. So what you are up to. I’m running after words, I say. Filthy words, who have been chewed over and over and over again in billion trillion mouths, leaving nothing than splinters of betrayal and the taste of contributed blood behind. How does it come that I hear you than. How does it come. Even silence needs a word. And where do you go when you volatilize in the electric canyons, the high voltage abysses of your amplified dreams when Nirwana seems only one step away and madness is the last church to flee to. THE CLOUD IS HERE BUT IT IS NOT RAINING IT IS NOT RAINING IT IS NOT RAINING. So this is the beat. Check one two check one two check one two. You are the ghost in the machine now. Haunting the future purchased on a loan. The howling of your strings/black/darkwhite. No colour paintings in the ruins of a second hand life towards a glorious dead. Wecome. Enjoy your stay. These endless strings coming out of your body one two three highway to hell to hell to hell to the inevitable LOVE to the unavoidable Shakespearean massacre when everybody applauds cheerfully with skinless hands throwing their tooth at each other on a ferry boat in Leningrad dancing to the holy sound of splintering bones in the dream of an old man watching over the skeleton of his wife who was killed when a bowling ball crashed her skull that was thrown by Stalin in the attempt to cross the atlantic ocean for making love with a redheaded whore in Chicago swallowing the condom after so that there is no evidence left for historians who will write nevertheless about you and me because otherwise they burn in the daylight or become sunflowers in the garden of the white house watered with the piss of cultured apaches. So bring it on, he says. Bring it on, he says and turns his back to me and turns again and again and goes on turning like a derwish desperate of the limits of his own body and of the very concept of the body itself. Covered with notes and blood. Laughing at me like a devil on holidays. YOU FUCKING CUNT I LOVE YOU. Don’t make me say it again or I will steal your face. And the ship with 80 dead/And with 50 Refugees/Will fire on the town.

lundi 26 septembre 2011

- amerika -

america i've given you all and now i'm nothing.
america two dollars and twentyseven cents january 17, 1956
i can't stand my own mind.
america when will we end the human war ?
go fuck yourself with your atom bomb.
i don't feel good don't bother me.
i won't write my poem till i'm in my right mind.
america when will you be angelic ?
when will you take off your clothes ?
when will you look at yourself through the grave ?
when will you be worthy of your million trotskyites ?
america why are your libraries full of tears ?

dimanche 4 septembre 2011


at this very moment,
their consciousnesses are terrorized,
the bells of hell,
the bells of hell,
the bells of hell,
they have cut off your head,
and are shitting down your throat,
the worst is at this moment happening,
the very worst,
is happening now,
life goes on. John Giorno

mercredi 31 août 2011

A: Ich fahr nach Berlin.

B: Das kann nicht sein.

A: Was kann nicht sein?

B: Das du nach Berlin fährst.

A: Und wieso kann das nicht sein?

B: Weil es Berlin nicht gibt.

A: Du solltest weniger saufen.

B: Nüchtern geht die Welt zugrunde.

dimanche 28 août 2011

samedi 27 août 2011

ODE to burroughs, ginsberg, gysin and some others


Once upon a time, these friends loved each other very much, and they made a vow to stay together until they all attained Enlightenment, and lifetime after lifetime, and endless re-births, and doing practice, they all realized the absolute empty true nature of mind.

They were so happy and overjoyed, they started dancing, and dancing, and danced and danced, they were so happy, in the shocked recognition of emptiness and compassion, they kept on dancing, dancing and dancing, and they danced away all their flesh and skin, until there was nothing left but their bones, and they kept dancing in their bones, dancing skeltons dancing skeltons.

Smooth skulls and speeding fingers, smiling teeth and wide eyed holes, sliding phymas and cracking shins, spinning and sparkling spinal chords, shouting ribs and singing jaws, sqwirming pelvises, shivering bones and shaking bones, I want to jump into your heart, I’m gonna come in your heart from here.

When it gets too hot for comfort and you can’t get ice cream cones, taint no sin, to take off your skin and dance around in your bones, taint no sin, to take off your skin and dance around in your bones.

You generated enough compassion to fill the world, and now, all of you, resting in great equanimity, have accomplished great clarity and great bliss, and the vast empty expanse of Primordially pure Wisdom Mind.

But our friends were not totally, not completely Englightened beings, and sometimes a hundred thousand years in one of the fabulous god worlds or highest heavens, is one year here or a couple of years here in ours, so much for that.

Now, at this very moment, their consciousnesses are terrorized, the bells of hell, the bells of hell, the bells of hell, they have cut off your head, and are shitting down your throat, the worst is at this moment happening, the very worst, is happening now, life goes on.

John Giorno, Demon in the details.

jeudi 25 août 2011

dimanche 21 août 2011

jeudi 18 août 2011

write or read

dimanche 14 août 2011